My family has never been too much on religion and I have always encouraged my kids to explore and learn and believe whatever touches their soul. With that, throughout my adult life if ever someone invited me to church I would attend because I always felt like for the invite to come at that particular time there must be something I need in the service that Sunday and it was usually true. I’m not sure I remember attending a service I was invited to that I didn’t cry because what the sermon was about really hit home.
Now, as I am trying to get to know myself again I am discovering I am much more a spiritual person than a religious person and have been all along. I am finding comfort and guidance in my journey to get more in tune with the universe. I am currently listening to a book in audible that is really helping bring things into perspective, Raise Your Vibration by Kyle Gray. I listen through the day while I am driving. I have listened to the book in its entirety 3 times now and each time something different speaks to me. I just take this as the universe letting me know where I need to focus my energies at that moment to aid in my healing and wholeness journey I am on. Highly recommend giving it a listen if you need any help finding direction in your spiritual journey as well.